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Ricon (2012-01-14 01:46:16 / 4 stars):

good job.

Unknown author (2012-01-19 05:36:05):

perfect ;-) :-o :-D

carlos brazileiro (2012-01-29 20:54:48 / 5 stars):

perfect :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D

Unknown author (2012-01-29 21:56:37):

not perfect looks stupid

Unknown author (2012-03-08 01:59:38):

Ninjad from league pf legends bro

Unknown author (2012-10-12 15:02:15):

Fiesta online *-*

Unknown author (2012-12-05 20:19:11):

the hand looks like the computer game called FATE

Unknown author (2013-06-06 17:29:39):

League of Legends?

ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2016-09-04 19:38:27):

League of Legends icon-image/9565-16x16x32.png image

xDPooperxD (2017-06-14 19:20:32 / 0.5 stars):

this is copied

Unknown author (2020-04-14 08:06:13):


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