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Vlasta (2013-01-11 10:46:20):

Very good first set!

ElectricumViridis (2013-01-11 18:06:10):

I really do like the gradiant effects you implied

PrimeHunter (2013-01-16 07:12:43 / 5 stars):


Spy (2013-01-22 23:32:23 / 5 stars):

Pretty good first set. I am impressed at the quality of your cursors. As far as I can tell, all the hotspots are on target. I also like that you did not make your cursors too busy. Simple but cool. These are the types of cursors I don't get bored with. Great job. 5 stars worth set. 8-) 8-)

cdl (2013-01-28 06:11:12 / 4 stars):

ahh first set..
yes, very good!
checkout that handwriting pen!

and you didn't mess up the hotspots!

will take a look around and see what else you have...

icon-image/8424-32x32x32.png image

AmberZen (2013-01-29 20:44:32 / 4 stars):

wow! your first set? wow!

I like how you colored them, nice!
not your average set either, lol!
something makes the unavailable look cutoff in areas when it turns.icon-image/7541-32x32x32.png image

Jason (2013-03-02 03:14:26 / 5 stars):

great first set. my first set sucked. ;-)

The Pixelated Fedora (2015-01-30 20:23:04):

WOW. I am having a hard time believing that this is the first set you made... Keep up the good work! :-D :-) ;-) 8-)

Mahlzeit (2015-06-22 01:11:45 / 5 stars):

i like m8 keep going lol :-D
i give 5 stars

AlphaOmega (2015-10-27 20:05:34 / 4.5 stars):

Good to hear you're making more cursors, and rightfully so! These are really good!

Unknown author (2020-04-29 01:51:12):

do you have a normal cursor and all the cursors are good add more kid sorry for calling you, kid :-)

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