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SYNTHCRѺ (2013-01-12 04:29:46 / 4.5 stars):

Looks good, you're missing a handwriting cursor, but the rest look good. My favorite is the busy cursor.


jojois74 (2013-01-13 05:25:56):

Thanks! As I've never actually seen the handwriting cursor in use, I opted not to make it, but I'll make it just so the set is complete.

yawnz (2013-01-22 20:16:55 / 5 stars):

My favorite colors are yellow and blue. Nice!

jojois74 (2013-01-22 22:30:08):

Thanks. That's lucky...!

cdl (2013-01-23 16:20:54 / 4 stars):

There was a vision impaired fella in the forum looking for big cursors to replace the set he lost.. can you make a bigger set than these?
They look about as big as possible.
Maybe red and .. or pink and.. I don't know what colors would be more visable!

Cool dude!

jojois74 (2013-01-23 22:29:02):

Haha, ok thanks -- I'll try to make the handwriting and more colors.
Maybe that vision impaired guy should turn on the setting that makes the cursur get circles around it when you press CTRL. :-D

Jason (2013-02-06 04:35:56 / 4.5 stars):

I like the colors because I'm from a place called crook county and its track and football colors are. good job on the hour glass to. 8-) I also like that CTRL thing I use it all the time. along with the other things you can do with your mouse.

jojois74 (2013-03-24 06:14:48):

Thanks. :-D

Rigby5001 (2013-04-18 17:53:50 / 4 stars):

It's nice

Unknown author (2015-03-02 11:23:44):

i like it; i will download

Unknown author (2015-09-06 21:03:30):

nice :-D

daitalos (2015-12-31 23:08:48 / 4 stars):


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