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ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2013-04-20 22:36:26 / 5 stars):

Awesome Jason, Good Job, like all :-)

bubbles47 (2013-05-20 18:31:36):

I love these :-D

cdl (2013-05-29 09:06:56 / 5 stars):

Very interesting!
Think my favorite is the "Q"... or the "j" ... or maybe the "O".. so many to choose from!
Very cool set, I adore animations!

icon-image/8301-32x32x32.png image

Jason (2013-08-07 03:55:10):

thankxxxxx :-D

Unknown author (2013-08-21 22:46:08):

sorry but this is really ugly. :-(

Jason (2013-10-02 02:44:01):

Your entitles to your opinion but it might help if you told me what I could do to make it better instead of just telling me what you don't like about it.

Unknown author (2013-10-22 01:06:30):

I wish the Letter "B" was green. -.- :-(

Edward (2013-12-01 10:20:32 / 5 stars):

I give 4.5 stars :-)

Jason (2013-12-02 23:23:07):

actually you gave 5 but I'll take it. ;-)

Unknown author (2014-01-12 18:49:29):


cdl (2014-02-04 05:41:54):

+ 1/2 icon-image/136-16x16x32.png image

I'm giving 5 too.. you earned it!

icon-image/8301-32x32x32.png image

Unknown author (2014-09-29 00:04:37):

its not recognised as an icon on my computer

Jason (2014-10-07 21:51:25):

Thats because they are cursors....I don't think you can make icons move.

Unknown author (2014-12-07 04:25:26):

i sort of don't like the wriggely things around the letter. :-(

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