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ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2013-08-29 01:54:58 / 5 stars):

Awesome like always Sirea icon-image/9565-16x16x32.png image

juanello (2013-09-09 17:49:26 / 2 stars):

nice pack :-D

Unknown author (2013-09-22 10:22:47):

Awesome cursors, thank you.

cdl (2013-09-23 22:00:13 / 5 stars):

Very unique and stylish design!
Being a lover of animation I do wish there were a couple more animated.
All in all an exceptional piece of work!

icon-image/8302-32x32x32.png image

Unknown author (2013-09-26 14:44:49):

;-) Thanks a lot Sirea, I like it alot... :-)

Unknown author (2013-11-11 22:47:18):

Not Good .. :P |-)

Erik (2013-12-07 12:01:20 / 5 stars):

icon-image/4929-16x16x32.png image icon-image/4923-16x16x32.png image icon-image/4915-16x16x32.png image icon-image/4917-16x16x32.png image icon-image/5604-16x16x32.png image

Unknown author (2014-11-23 18:19:51):

work seems to have no animation...

Unknown author (2014-11-26 06:35:02):

:-) :-) :-D gooooooooood

Unknown author (2015-01-04 12:15:29):

SO AWESOME but the font cursor isn't that great... plz make it a solid line...

Ninjaski11z (2015-03-10 16:21:28):


nabunai1298 (2015-03-27 22:39:26):

8-) |-) |-) quatir

Unknown author (2017-03-22 01:03:20):

Cool YEsR

Unknown author (2022-07-15 19:54:27):


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