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Unknown author (2014-11-05 09:27:11):

The fire Twilight could have looked better is she trasformed ;-)


Leticia (2014-11-25 23:53:07 / 5 stars):

super legal este tipo de cursor,recomendo :-D

Unknown author (2015-05-21 14:03:09):

Super cursor! I'm download it! :-)

Unknown author (2015-12-03 14:30:55):

I like it but it was not so cute

Unknown author (2016-07-29 04:03:53):

anão sei :/

Benderbee (2016-09-25 00:17:01 / 4 stars):

Twilight Sparkle? She's pretty with her sparkles and magic powers! icon-image/14486-16x16x32.png image

Unknown author (2017-07-15 21:13:59):

esse curso ate que e bom amo mlp demais da conta :-)

Unknown author (2017-10-09 19:05:53):

Very Cool 8-)

Unknown author (2018-04-10 19:18:24):


Unknown author (2020-04-15 23:21:16):

Gostei demais, coloquei hoje

Unknown author (2020-06-23 06:08:47):

could you please make celestia cursor ? please :-)

Unknown author (2020-11-03 19:46:24):

I love Twilight! SO CUTE CURSOR! :-D

Unknown author (2021-06-21 19:56:33):

It's a really good show especially with twilight sparkle AKA twilight

Unknown author (2022-02-17 18:33:49):

It was really cute cursor
I loved it

11 (2022-07-17 20:51:23):


ʎppnᙠ ǝsuǝsuoN (2023-05-16 03:41:19 / 4.5 stars):

Amazing, with smooth animations and a pretty design! Just an little isuue: you have named the vertical resize as horizontal and the horizontal as vertical ;-)

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