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cdl (2015-01-07 23:37:08 / 2.5 stars):

I like loading but where is the rest of the set? icon-image/8307-32x32x32.png image
Let me know if you add to this set.

cdl (2015-01-12 22:48:18):

In all fairness I could have rated this set at half a star but the rating system is not about whether I personally like or do not like the set.

cursor_carys (2015-01-16 18:10:38):

ok, i dont have time to make awesome sets, only a few basic ones. so dont complain to me saying this is dumb .

Unknown author (2015-10-24 22:51:20):


Unknown author (2020-04-29 01:40:24):

:-( :-D ;-) :-( :-o 8-) |-) 8-) :-o :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-(no work;;;;;;;;;;[[[[[[[[[[[[[

Unknown author (2020-11-10 23:11:59):

this is crap

Unknown author (2020-11-12 15:45:35):

no good cursors for kids like me who like a great amount of choices for everyday.

Unknown author (2020-11-19 11:52:30):

:-)it is nice 8-)

Unknown author (2020-12-11 17:01:30):

hello are u guys real peaople? probly not but i just wanna know :-D

Unknown author (2021-01-28 16:58:22):

i dont like it my kid said she was band she is wornig you dont use this app
:-( :-(

same my sister too

Unknown author (2021-02-13 11:20:34):


Unknown author (2021-03-09 18:07:42):

Wow it's bad |-) |-) |-) |-) i have costom cuerser

Unknown author (2021-03-18 16:02:41):
-) </td><td>-) -) </td><td>-) 8-) 8-) 8-) :-( :-D :-) :-) :-) ;-) ;]
Unknown author (2021-04-26 19:29:55):

this dose not work :-(

Unknown author (2021-05-13 18:56:49):

what do you even do here :-(

Unknown author (2021-05-17 15:13:58):

it dose not work for me cuz you cant dowlaud it on a school comuter. :-( |-)

ya im real duuuuuuuh. :-D :-D |-) 8-)

Unknown author (2021-05-20 16:22:13):

i am on a school computer and it doesn't work. (that is not fair) :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-(

Unknown author (2021-05-21 22:48:16):

my cock and balls are trembling 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)

Unknown author (2021-05-25 21:17:56):


Unknown author (2021-08-06 08:30:55):



Unknown author (2021-10-26 12:39:34):

guyHz im ima 5 yesr old girl im a chistian loolk at my channlel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgQna2EqpzqzfBjlSmzT72w

 pls subsribile to it and leike and share tho teh mesgsae
Maddie (2022-05-17 11:56:04 / 5 stars):


Unknown author (2022-07-11 23:14:30):


Unknown author (2022-09-06 19:27:58):

fr dosnt work and is horrible

Unknown author (2023-03-23 19:08:45):

my balls are not working

Unknown author (2023-04-28 16:14:26):


Unknown author (2023-09-14 22:53:10):

dont use this one im a kid and im trying to get cursors and it worked but dont use this one ok

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