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ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2018-03-27 01:44:38 / 5 stars):

Love it ^^ icon-image/9565-16x16x32.png image
but some hotspot are incorrect :-(
please fix that :-)
and keep the good work

Good Night

Unknown author (2018-03-27 06:14:13):

pan, text please

SweetPinkGalaxy (2018-03-27 19:50:15 / 4 stars):

Some hotspot are incorrect and no text cursor :-(
but i like them

Unknown author (2018-03-29 12:51:59):

HOW DO U ADD THE CURSOR ON????? :-( :-( :-o :-o

Unknown author (2018-04-04 08:37:18):

pen cursor please :-(

Unknown author (2018-04-15 02:46:59):

:-( can you add the pen cursor?

maybe even a typing thing..? |-)

MustyYew011937 (2018-05-06 16:18:58 / 4.5 stars):

Love the colours on this. They go well together, it reminds me of a sunset. The one problem is that the handwriting cursor seems to be missing. Could you add it in? Thanks for reading this. :-D

Unknown author (2018-05-30 05:48:56):

这个真好! :-D

Unknown author (2018-11-25 21:50:51):

It's really amazing I love it a lot!
It's missing a few cursors but other than that it's perfect :-D!

Unknown author (2020-10-15 03:29:00):

THe link select one doesn't work :-)

ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2021-08-20 20:17:37):

i love them :-)

Unknown author (2021-09-27 04:17:06):

so nice i love these!!

Unknown author (2021-10-27 15:33:44):

I love them, it's nice!

Unknown author (2022-03-22 19:25:13):

how do u turn it on?

Unknown author (2023-02-02 00:15:20):

mimi u f_cking stole it you b1tch

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