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SlizzyG (2021-02-11 14:22:09 / 3 stars):

I like what you're going for, but the names are a little long and random. I would love to see a completed set of this.

ClairvoyantOS (2021-02-11 18:38:45 / 4.5 stars):

Great cursors but I suggest renaming them to not confuse people with where the cursors are supposed to be.

'pix (2021-02-12 20:28:19 / 4.5 stars):

I agree with those above me. The concept is nice. I understand that they are pixelated but I'm not seeing much of the promised Minecraft theme.

Unknown author (2021-03-01 15:24:15):

Good :-)

Uhh (2021-03-01 17:08:37 / 5 stars):

Cool :-)

Unknown author (2021-04-07 18:24:09):

´´´´´´´´´´´´ÓTIMO, SOU BR

Unknown author (2021-04-13 16:11:25):

okay it is good

Unknown author (2021-04-22 11:38:19):

theres no minecraft think its a scam

kad778 (2021-05-22 03:08:49):

cool i like the desighn of the normal cur

Unknown author (2021-07-14 18:49:01):

i download this pack, its very cool ! it goes well in minecraft.

Unknown author (2021-11-11 06:43:00):

I like it. Its really like minecraft and pixel cursors are really good for minecraft. Mojang must add when you open the game and these pixel cursors will show. ;-) :-) :-D |-) 8-)

60Trees_ (2022-01-04 01:05:31 / 4.5 stars):

One type of cursor I dislike is ones where there are images of random things because it gets me really confused, for example a minecraft cursor where a door is normal select and a clock is link select. those types are rather confusing (no offense for people who did exactly so), yet minecraft is one of my favourite games! So if you're in for impressing me? THIS is definitely the way to go. But yeah, there are only 4 cursors! Add more and you're doing good. 8-)

plex (2022-04-12 20:46:36):

ayo that good

Unknown author (2023-07-05 15:35:51):

lookin good

Randy_887 (2023-11-10 16:13:02):

the beast one

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