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Ricon (2011-09-18 17:27:58):

I am going to make a web for these iphone icons.
Please comment.

jojois74 (2011-09-23 00:11:07 / 4 stars):

These are nice. They look good. They look too bright, though. I suggest you lower the brightness.

Ricon (2011-09-25 17:32:35):

Thanks for feedback.

Ricon (2011-09-25 19:12:33):

All these Icons are 57x57, hence, no other format.

absterninja (2011-09-25 20:26:48 / 3.5 stars):

These are a good design, but I have a few suggestions. You can't take other people's images and then turn them into a icon. Also the hand button could use a little work icon-image/5334-16x16x32.png image. But other then that they are great!

Ricon (2011-09-25 22:53:04):

I actually made them by myself.
I used some effects to make it look like chrome and firefox.
Firefox was actually pretty hard.

Ricon (2011-10-07 01:33:11):

Hey everyone! My newest set has come out!
Wanna see it?
Here is a preview.

icon-6166 icon-6168
Name: Randomest Thing I ever saw
Out in the gallery now!

Unknown author (2011-11-27 08:32:12):


Cursored (2012-01-24 16:13:00 / 5 stars):

TO: Absterninja: Don't go around saying stuff like: "Don't copy other people" because they've done HARD work to work on their icons/cursors for other people to download. To me, that's very rude...even though you've seen it before or something...don't say anything that might hurt the creator. Thanks!

Nintendo (2012-04-07 23:45:32 / 5 stars):

awsome i love ipads ipods and phones

ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2013-04-20 10:55:14 / 5 stars):

Tienes razón Cursored
aveces hieren a los que crean aquí :-(

Good Job

cursor_carys (2014-12-15 19:19:18 / 4 stars):

These are very nice, maybe add one or two more? But other than that they are amazing, I love them!! Maybe the speech bubble one for email or skype or something like that.

icon-image/136-16x16x32.png image icon-image/136-16x16x32.png image icon-image/136-16x16x32.png image icon-image/136-16x16x32.png image

Benderbee (2016-09-18 22:30:07 / 4 stars):

If I were to choose an icon for a browser on an iPhone, I would use Firefox for, you know, Firefox.

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