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jojois74 (2011-09-25 19:32:08):

The 256x256 icons have shadows.

absterninja (2011-09-25 20:32:14 / 4.5 stars):

These are very good! They remind me of my Christmas Ornaments icons. Maybe you should add more colors? Very high quality though! Good job! icon-image/5386-16x16x32.png image

jojois74 (2011-09-25 23:49:10):


Ricon (2011-09-26 00:21:41 / 4.5 stars):

You might have to add more Tops.
I don't really think you had
much effort.
I refer to the exact same shape.
I rate by effort.
Not by how good it looks.

jojois74 (2011-09-26 02:37:25):

Ok, thanks for the feedback.

jojois74 (2011-09-28 00:40:24):

:-) I added more.

Ricon (2011-10-07 23:13:26):

Oh yeah, I forgot to say, cool icons.
So, please tell if you want to participate in the contest
of Oct 2011.

Please send me a message about if you want to apply for it.
P.S. More info on my blog.

NEOC (2011-10-16 05:41:31 / 4.5 stars):


They are a rare option for a computer, but they will ever remain here as an option :p.

As I always say:
'First time is harder'

How can that phrase apply here?
Oh, right. Color change.

Wait. Did you mention that they were made from a 3D Unicorn'
You earned another half star. :-D

jojois74 (2011-10-16 16:54:38):

Haha, thanks.

Intellisthetics (2011-12-12 05:24:34 / 3 stars):

icon-image/6488-64x64x32.png image

cdl (2013-01-04 13:14:40 / 4 stars):

wish there were more.. colors, angles.. too bad icons can't be animated, yet!
nice job.. icon-image/6385-32x32x32.png image

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