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Phantom (2021-07-21 19:38:33):

Sheeesh its been a while,
I got into blender and ima start making cursors with it.
Great job on yours!

J (2021-07-24 21:12:56):

Hey Good luck on those.

Phantom (2021-07-25 00:57:24):

thanks! ;-)

♠♣♥♦Liyan Graphicsツ (2021-07-29 13:51:23):

Hey can you check out my cursor I made?

hey your cursors are incredible :-o

Phantom (2021-12-02 16:17:01):

We gotta collab sometime :-o

Unknown author (2022-04-03 03:30:04):

Could you maybe make other sets of the Onyx cursor, but with other colors? I quite like the Onyx set you made and would like to see them in different colors other than purple.

ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2022-04-28 01:58:38):

NICE CURSOR'S icon-image/9565-16x16x32.png image

Unknown author (2022-07-11 18:41:07):

Please make your onyx cursor have a little hand link select instead of pretty much just your normal onyx cursor

Account not found (2022-09-10 15:45:18):


Unknown author (2022-10-26 04:06:11):

are you sussybaka

Unknown author (2023-02-20 19:02:51):

shut up stupid little boy you aint funny

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