The Derpy Girl's Gallery Page 7

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↓↓↓ Legacy rules! ↓↓↓

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This is the cartoon called "Living with Dad". If anybody knows how to watch this cartoon in English, DM ME!

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MyVault® is a type of hacking system that I will intend to use for my child, Carl, at Huntsville City Schools.

  • Huntsville City Schools has a firewall called Lightspeed Systems. This firewall is superstrict and can block even the most important sites, like "Brainly". If something goes wrong, the web is basically useless, even Google is blocked, because of this issue. With MyVault® Carl can eliminate this threat by using the included Sophos firewall I take control over.
  • They use a monitoring system called DyKnow and right now, they don't update their edition and they keep using the outdated version. Here are MyVault's® properties:
  1. Carl can block many things, like "Shut Down Machine", "Attention Please Screen", "Monitor Chat", and other things.
  2. Carl can shut down the machine that is monitoring his laptop.
  3. Carl can hack into DyKnow into specific programs.
  • Pressing [MyVault Ctrl] + [Delete] can permanently destroy a file if a file is selected, or if he is on DyKnow, can destroy (reset) the monitor's computer.
  • Pressing [MyVault Ctrl] + [Scrl Lock] can stop/halt the actions on Carl's laptop that the monitor is controlling (e.g. cursor, blocking programs, shutting down a machine, etc).
  • Pressing [Code Alt] + [B] bypasses the admin for installing programs, for example.
  • Includes something called Everything Search by pressing [MyVault Ctrl] + [PrtSc].


  • Contains Carbon Fibre 4 cover and black keyboard design. This keyboard is meant for putting it on a laptop.
  • I will be making a left-handed keyboard soon.
  • Allows you to type Unicode, Greek, and more symbols easier.
  • Keys are made of ABS Plastic, and comes with textured keys for gaming use.
  • LED lights for the indicators.
  • [Fn] is replaced with [2nd].

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