I suck at 15 puzzle - RealWorld forums

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I suck at 15 puzzle

Help for 15 puzzle
Account not found
on October 2nd 2022


Yesterday i bought the 15 Puzzle from scunkie, i can't win the 15 puzzle under 100 movies, i can only won with more than 100 moves, is so hard to win under 100 moves, please i need some help and tips for the 15 puzzle

Henry vntv
on October 7th 2022

i too , i do more than 1000 moves to finish :-(

Account not found
on October 7th 2022

Yea, im bad at these games

but im good at cosmic journey 8-)

on October 15th 2022

:-(:-(:-( :-):-):-) :-D

Account not found
on October 15th 2022

Scunkie is a button gnome, you need to register to i teract with buttons

Henry vntv
on July 7th 2023

i bought some trash items only :-)

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