flashing 'Insertion' cursor... - RealWorld forums

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flashing 'Insertion' cursor...

on January 10th 2008

I just downloaded Real World Cursor Editor and created a new 'Beam' cursor for Vista x64 that I can now actually see..!

Enjoyable Software..!

I am wondering now where the default flashing 'Insertion' cursor is..? I looked all through the Windows / Cursors folder and can't see it anywhere - it is basically just a vertical line that flashes at the insertion point but I have a bit of a colored background to my Windows theme and I can never see where it is in Notepad, Excel, Word, etc..

Thanks in advance

on January 10th 2008

If I understand you correctly, you want to change the text cursor and not the mouse pointer. I am not sure if that is even possible...

on January 10th 2008

Hmm.. big disapointment.. many thanks Vlasta.

I'll try a post at http://www.aeroxp.org forums because that's were i learnt to do the customized theme...

I'll be back

on January 10th 2008

...it is also called 'caret'.

on January 11th 2008

i did a bit of a registry search on 'caret' but there doesn't seem to be anything on 'color', only 'width' and really it is the color that is the problem...

I posted the registry search here:

on January 11th 2008

I believe the blinking cursor does not have a color of its own, but the system simply negates the pixels (255-original value). This works for most colors, but if your background is gray ~127 then the negated value is very close 255-127 = 128.

on January 12th 2008

Ah.. that makes a lot of sense Vlasta... I agree. I've had this problem with Microsoft basing everything on a white background for years - for the record my background is 170, 140, 110 - a sort of dirty brown color but i like how i can use a very pale color for numbers in Excel yet black still shows up good as well.

I've tried doing a printscreen of the caret for the color but it doesn't pick it up of course, it's a kind of a muddy browny blue..

So, any chance of changing the negated value..? I don't think so..

many thanks Vlasta

on January 12th 2008

I also do not think so, :-(

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