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JDDellGuy (2011-09-04 06:17:34 / 4 stars):

Vey nice simple, functional design. One thing that I do recommend doing is turning on the smooth line option when you are making the resize cursors. Their edges look a litle rough and pixely.

I like how your cursors do their job well without a lot of distraction but still look good. Keep up the good work! icon-image/4575-16x16x32.png image

absterninja (2011-09-05 20:01:35 / 4.5 stars):

These are beautiful! But the hot spot is off for the handwriting one. Other than that the handwriting is my favorite one! Great Work!!! icon-image/5328-16x16x32.png image

jojois74 (2011-09-05 21:23:30 / 3.5 stars):

Good, yet simple. :-)
I like them!

Erik (2011-09-12 14:36:25 / 4.5 stars):

4.5, because I like simple stuff like that

Jason (2013-02-27 06:18:28 / 4 stars):

nice and simple but cool looking. good work. I love how the are you can see through them (hence the transparent :-))

deadly bro (2013-04-21 14:59:40 / 5 stars):

nope i can't see through them but that doesn't mean they are bad they are really good awesome and simple not too much details in it good job you made them good you deserve icon-image/1497-16x16x32.png image stars here you are icon-image/1497-16x16x32.png image stars

OMCE (2014-01-04 18:45:10 / 4 stars):

very good. Although it is very simple; I would use simple cursors, so good job.

daitalos (2015-12-31 11:19:02 / 4 stars):

I like..good job ;-)

twtscat55 (2016-02-08 16:39:23 / 4.5 stars):

Very nice!!! I don't mind the transparency at all. Good job. :-)

AJaxx (2016-03-30 12:54:20 / 4 stars):

I like the thought you were going for. I do think some of the edges lose their crispness and detail though. This reminds me of a set I've seen before. Wish there were some animations included. Nice job.

nibbler (2016-04-11 18:58:57 / 5 stars):

The handwriting is funny. It has its hotspot on the top of the pen, as the top of it is big and the bottom is shorter. Anyways, great set! 8-)

Adam (2017-04-04 02:22:37):


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