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Nintendo (2012-03-04 02:34:47 / 4 stars):

i must give you credit for making it look like flat ground fire and having moving spots very nice

Vojife (2012-03-04 12:52:36):

Ike > Thank you very much. =)

Unknown author (2012-03-07 00:07:16):

itz a boss 8-)

Vojife (2012-03-07 17:18:21):

Anonymous > Hah, thanks. =)

Unknown author (2012-11-06 20:43:59):

Best. Retexture. Ever.

Vojife (2013-03-06 20:35:17):

Haha, thanks, an Anonymous guy, I appreciate that. ;-)

deadly bro (2013-03-20 17:28:09 / 5 stars):

unbelievable great set you could have gave it a fire but it is better this way icon-image/7532-16x16x32.png image icon-image/7542-16x16x32.png image

Vojife (2013-06-04 22:03:34):

Haha, thanks. :-)
(Though I didn't really draw anything per se, just edited the originals. ;-) )

AlphaOmega (2015-10-28 12:01:15 / 4.5 stars):

Fantastic. You've done really well. It would be even better if you could make it a full pack. :-D

Unknown author (2016-02-06 00:04:41):

Awesome mate!

EzekielBrazil (2016-05-19 21:35:15):

presision ? :-(

Unknown author (2019-10-23 14:46:58):

trés bien!

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