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Nintendo (2012-03-05 22:13:24):

i dont mean to be a hater but the D Busy is isnt home made but good job for others

Vojife (2012-03-06 14:15:33):

Ï know it's not, this set isn't good. ;-)
But thanks anyway.

Matias0211 (2012-03-23 17:57:48 / 3.5 stars):

Muy bueno :-), yo en uno de mis sets usé también un predeterminado del RealWorld cursor editor, el que son los círculos que giran, como el busy y el working in background, y pienso que quedan bastante bien! así que la verdad, un buen trabajo.
Por cierto, muy buena la idea de la mano cerrada como agarrando un objeto, no se me había ocurrido jajajaja!

Vojife (2012-03-23 21:53:29):

Sorry, I really don't understand (only that you said something about the circles of working and busy...). But thanks anyway. ;D

tev (2012-05-09 17:42:28 / 4 stars):

neat set!! icon-image/4263-16x16x32.png image icon-image/5604-16x16x32.png image

Vojife (2012-05-10 18:32:55):

Thank you very much, Tev, I appreciate it. =)

Richard (2012-08-05 18:50:28 / 2 stars):

um dude how are these dangeris there is nothing dangeris about these things.

Unknown author (2012-08-15 08:57:26):

4 Star! :-) ;-)

Vojife (2012-08-16 16:49:15):

Richard > Well, I had to name them something. They are black/yellow, which are the colours danger signs and stuff often have.
Anonymous > Thanks! (Though you did not really rate it :D)

AA_Xatron (2012-08-23 12:06:25 / 4 stars):

Hmm... that animated circle looks familiar. All is great, but that animated circle is don't showing danger... maybe you don't add a black? Hmm? But, great set at all. Grats!

TEKnoobMan (2012-09-24 19:06:11 / 4.5 stars):

Looks good! As my name shows, I am quite a noob with drawing.

Vojife (2012-09-24 19:31:32):

Lol, thanks very much TEK. ;D

HNMunchey (2013-03-06 18:19:47 / 5 stars):

Nice! :-) :-D

Vojife (2013-03-06 20:28:36):

HNMunchey, I am very grateful for your comment and rating. Thanks! ;D

Unknown author (2013-04-11 00:08:02):

great job :-D

is nice!

Vojife (2013-06-04 22:02:14):

Thanks, I appreciate it. :-)

RIDDLER (2019-11-21 23:17:14 / 5 stars):

This set is not complete because it needs 15 cursor roles.

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