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sosnh (2012-03-28 03:32:26 / 5 stars):

I love the Harvest Moon series, and I think you did a good job imitating the farm girl with your creativity. :-o |-)

Lost Girl (2012-03-30 04:22:27 / 5 stars):

I really like these.Nice quality.Thanks again for being so kind and making that peace set. icon-image/5320-16x16x32.png image

Matias0211 (2012-03-31 05:37:48 / 3 stars):

cursor-37363 no se que decirte, quizá un poco más de creatividad pero bueno, veo también que el "working in background" y el "normal select" son los mismos. Todo lo demás, las animaciones y su calidad muy buenos :-). Es una recomendación para los próximos! intentá variarlos :-)

Unknown author (2012-04-02 12:19:15):

i really really like these. thanks for making thet peace set.
:-D 8-)

it is the beeeeeeeeestttttttt of all.

Bubblez (2012-04-05 02:40:47):

Matias0211 as you can see normal select has small steps but in working in background it has big steps.... |-)

Nintendo (2012-04-08 02:52:24 / 5 stars):

awsome work :-D just cute little farmer girls for a cursor buddy pack great job

Unknown author (2012-04-18 03:40:25):

so cute :-D :-D :-D

Bubblez (2012-05-31 01:55:26):

srry for my interruption guys but the horizontal resize is off hot spot. currently i do not have real waorld cursor editor. so, pls fix it by yourself. TY ;-)

Unknown author (2013-11-28 06:30:38):

very cute, i like......

OwlCityLover!!! (2015-05-24 03:19:48 / 5 stars):

:-D These are soooo cute!!! Thanks for all the work you put into these!!! I love it!!! Love ya, Bubblez!!! (in a friend way, not a creepy weird internet stalker way lol)

Unknown author (2020-01-15 10:57:59):

this might sound creepy but got and cjhild foamrer cursors 8-)

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