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Noah Bear (2015-01-31 00:54:43):

icon-image/396-16x16x32.png imageIcon in this

Noah Bear (2015-02-01 16:32:48):

I like it :-)

Unknown author (2015-02-08 21:05:36):

Geht ;-)

Noah Bear (2015-03-13 21:32:09):

If you are using Vista Beta 2 turn off cursor shadow

Mr X (2015-04-21 00:36:56 / 0.5 stars):


Ninjaski11z (2015-04-21 15:44:01 / 0.5 stars):

Worst cursor set ever because i don't like it

Worst cursor set ever because i don't like it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AlphaOmega (2015-10-28 12:04:33 / 2.5 stars):

Alright, but very simple. Making this into a complete cursor pack, however, could give i some potential.

Really_Fishy (2016-02-16 21:10:52):

I do like blue so I like this mouse pointer.

Unknown author (2016-04-02 01:27:39):

:-( Can you do the complete pack? please

Unknown author (2017-05-12 01:59:00):

what the who wants this bad cursor pack it only has 5 of the same cursors

snickerdoodle (2019-12-15 06:14:12 / 5 stars):

can't you see, anonymous?
these are not the same cursors

Unknown author (2021-03-29 17:20:09):

Ya they are just different pointers but he means the whole set of one specific blue cursor ;-) .

Unknown author (2021-05-11 06:27:14):

Bruh!! do you even know how hard it is to make a full cursor set |-)

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