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RIDDLER (2018-04-10 01:59:03):

Copper brown cursors are here.

Unknown author (2018-09-15 21:32:55):

The Pointing Hand!

RIDDLER (2018-09-15 23:34:25):

Yeah, the pointing hand is the link select for this set. It has been created this way so that it reflects the theme of this cursor set. Enjoy! :-)

Unknown author (2018-09-16 13:04:35):

But It's A Arrow Pointing Up!

Change It To A Hand!

RIDDLER (2018-09-16 23:14:31):

No thanks. It will do fine. I have seen many cursor roles with a pointing up arrow that mimics a finger of a hand cursor.

Unknown author (2018-09-17 23:47:05):


Unknown author (2020-03-26 16:13:20):

I found essence of beta hand link.
I'm no longer upset!

RIDDLER (2020-03-31 15:08:18):

Well, I am afraid that the hand link cursor role was designed that way by the original author. There is nothing I can do about it, so you will have to roll with that.

RIDDLER (2020-08-10 04:05:22):

I simply like this rusty appearance look of those thick cursor outline edges. This is what really makes this cursor set truly appear like real copper.

Phantom (2021-01-21 18:43:28 / 5 stars):


These are really Good!
when are you going to make more cursors :-(

RIDDLER (2021-01-22 14:35:12):

I will make more cursors when I have the time and new ideas.

J (2021-02-05 18:47:17 / 5 stars):

These Look very tactile and simplistic. Their usability is good. I love how you've used static cursors to make them functional and non distracting.
icon-image/10392-128x128x32.png image

RIDDLER (2021-02-05 23:59:58):

They are good and non distracting. I did not make this cursor set. Someone else did. I am sharing this cursor set on behalf of the original author so I have been authorized to share this cursor set on the RealWorld website.

RIDDLER (2021-04-04 16:41:47):

Only the description was updated above.

RIDDLER (2021-04-04 17:43:47):

There is now a new inverted cursor. Take a look at it. You may need it.

Unknown author (2022-02-16 08:24:47):


RIDDLER (2022-02-16 11:12:27):

I have a cursor set with a fire effect.

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