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NoobGamrrr22 (2020-10-01 05:42:47):

theres some changes you can find

original: http://www.rw-designer.com/cursor-set/among-us

the alternative green cursor is not included here. so find it pls! im sorry

and theres no ??? cur you can find it with search

RIDDLER (2020-10-01 19:46:56 / 4 stars):

This green set is not complete.

Unknown author (2020-10-02 18:35:33):

the next color can be purple?

everyone is loving your cursors of among us me too just can you make a purple :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D

just you can make mini crewmate and the unavaible its he crying

Unknown author (2020-10-03 07:46:50):

yellow with farmer hat pls

Unknown author (2020-10-05 02:40:15):

plz make a cyan one

RedPeperminty (2020-10-05 19:28:16):

omg is so good! can you do yellow please??

Unknown author (2020-10-07 20:04:13):

woah so cool ✦ can you make the orange one like a carrot please :-D

Vlazteron (2020-10-08 03:54:22 / 5 stars):

Why this got removed from Frontpage? icon-image/4630-16x16x32.png image

Unknown author (2020-11-17 15:17:46):

tist is cool

Unknown author (2020-12-01 15:36:11):

this is cool i will give u 10000000

Unknown author (2020-12-02 12:09:39):

:-o if u want pink or cyan cursors go to cccccc profile

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