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Axolotlsarecute (2021-06-05 10:58:13):

actually nevermind just rate this 0.5 stars ;-)

Unknown author (2021-06-07 16:51:25):

fassa um cursor do windows do futuro iria ser legal

Unknown author (2021-06-07 20:16:25):

do csgo butter knife animated

Unknown author (2021-06-07 21:06:17):

make an entire set of this style: https://custom-cursor.com/en/collection/cursors/cold-gradient. i want to use it but its not an entire set :-(

also im using this set rn for no reason

it sucks ik

nvm im changing it rn

OwenFJ (2021-06-08 01:41:34 / 0.5 stars):

oh yae

OwenFJ (2021-06-08 20:00:25):



Unknown author (2021-06-09 16:07:16):

:-( so bad :-(

Unknown author (2021-06-10 20:46:31):

no me gusto | -)

ddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd (2021-06-11 03:40:45):

recycle bin cursor icon-image/2451-16x16x32.png image

OwenFJ (2021-06-15 01:32:37):


Infinity_Sensei (2021-06-15 02:05:34 / 0.5 stars):

not bad but it didn't look like cursor.

Axolotlsarecute (2021-06-15 15:04:32):

who the heck download these cursors then??????

Unknown author (2021-06-16 07:56:49):

bat :-( :-( :-( :-(

OwenFJ (2021-06-16 16:44:54):

make the one that the first person suggested

Unknown author (2021-06-18 15:31:24):

make csgo knife animated if you can do that u pass

Unknown author (2021-06-18 19:19:49):


Unknown author (2021-06-19 00:59:06):

remake some linux cursors? :-D

Unknown author (2021-06-19 17:12:25):

faz sete pecados capitais o anime laa plsssss

The Icongineer (2021-06-20 07:00:33 / 4.5 stars):

absolute unit
Also I want you to create some fruit cursors, like apple, banana, orange, grape, lemon, melon, pineapple, all those fruits i think

Unknown author (2021-06-23 01:46:44):

esta feo ;-)

tiene que ser mas bonito pes :-( ;-)

OwenFJ (2021-06-24 20:51:49):

bro its been 19 days...

Axolotlsarecute (2021-07-13 12:08:40):

tell me about it

new cursor out now

Moved (2021-11-14 20:07:24):

this cursor pack looks like scribbles from a five year old baby |-)

Axolotlsarecute (2021-11-16 23:31:56):

absolutely, actually, it should've been a 3-year-old who drew this

how did this get 1.8 rating

Axolotlsarecute (2022-03-12 11:23:10):

NOTE: This is a random cursor set I used for getting ideas. I already got my own ideas so I didn't need this anyway. Sorry for inconvenience!

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