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RIDDLER (2021-10-03 21:46:38 / 5 stars):

This is beautiful.

Social Queen (2021-10-04 01:29:35 / 5 stars):

Oh my god
this it's beautiful
Thanks you so much

Unknown author (2021-10-04 04:58:09):

I love this set! Keep it up! 8-) :-D

nightklp (2021-10-04 05:29:20 / 5 stars):

Atleast its good

jo mama (2021-10-04 15:40:05 / 5 stars):

jo mama |-) |-)

Unknown author (2021-10-06 03:39:59):

niceee, i like this

xXLucas cursorsXx (2021-10-06 19:11:21 / 5 stars):

HAHAHAAAAHAHAAH eles parecem ser TÃO engraçados HAHHAHAAH

mimi_chan (2021-10-08 18:13:24):

do a red please o(^▽^)o

Unknown author (2021-10-09 22:33:14):

Esta muy lindo :3

Unknown author (2021-10-10 15:41:05):

tank you
eye see tae ru yo!!
you is angel !!

Unknown author (2021-10-24 04:43:35):

-think of it, I think it was very beautiful.-


but, I don't know if I can't download this file. (I have some problem)

:-( :-(

:-( :-(

Unknown author (2021-12-15 19:14:00):


Unknown author (2022-02-18 06:46:14):

:-) so cute !! I love purple

Unknown author (2022-02-25 22:58:38):

very cute i like it!!! :-D ;-)

Unknown author (2022-05-05 17:15:48):

uhh this looks like Ill get hacked but these are so cuteeeeeeee.

Unknown author (2022-07-18 08:18:48):

:-D so cuuuttteee

Unknown author (2022-08-08 20:31:28):

you dont get hacked from using these I download a new cursor everyday lamo cuz I'm very picky LOL


Unknown author (2022-11-29 20:13:36):

fresh lemonaaaddeee freshly squeeezed pour it in a cuuup cant get enough

Unknown author (2022-12-22 12:09:12):

Oh My Lord It's So Cute!!!! Love Ittt!!

Unknown author (2023-03-11 21:00:21):


Unknown author (2023-04-15 17:32:29):


Goodbye? (2023-05-05 01:59:32 / 4.5 stars):

wow cool and cute cursors!
also it has light cursors!
i like pastel or light colors!
i just would like other colors though

Unknown author (2023-06-19 23:08:08):


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