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jojois74 (2011-11-01 22:08:18 / 4 stars):

These are REALLY nice. You should make more of these in different colors. By the way: I have never seen one of your sets before. Now I know that you have three. They are all pretty good.

cdl (2011-11-02 10:50:44):

you are very kind, thanks..

Unknown author (2011-11-03 12:20:24):

Nice set thx (:
Favo: Orange,Yellow,Purple&Green ((:

Cameron (2011-11-04 10:13:17 / 4 stars):

everyone loves flowers ;-)

absterninja (2011-11-05 16:42:24 / 5 stars):

These are AMAZING!!!!!!! I love the colors. You have inspired me to work harder with unicorn. Great job! icon-image/5386-16x16x32.png image

Ricon (2011-11-06 19:28:18 / 3.5 stars):

Pink and rose have intense shadow.
Also, work harder not by colorizing - but
making them unique.
These aren't amazing though.
You just drew something and beveled it then
colorized it and made it an icon.
I can do that in like in 5 minutes.
I am a little jealous though.

Intellisthetics (2011-11-30 05:20:34 / 5 stars):

icon-image/6291-24x24x32.png image

cdl (2011-11-30 05:32:06):

icon-image/6288-48x48x32.png image so glad most of you like them.. Thanks yall!
they were left over from another project years ago, and were not so good up close, but they look fine as icons!
I didn't bother retouching them because as icons they don't need it!

To those who despair that the icons are not different enough..
Don't like them, don't download them... & pls get a life!

icon-image/6288-48x48x32.png image

Unknown author (2011-12-01 15:33:51):

I liked your icons but can you make a 'busy' and a 'typing' one. Great job otherwise. :-D

Unknown author (2011-12-14 22:14:35):
-) i really like these icon flower pictures so cool!!
Cursored (2012-01-26 03:38:20):

How do you download it and use it? ;c

Lost Girl (2012-05-04 02:39:11 / 5 stars):

These are so cool! Seriously, they are some of the best icons I've see yet!You shouldget online more so we can talk.

Unknown author (2012-06-08 03:13:08):

:-D Totes love these icons

cdl (2012-09-09 09:42:00):

icon-image/7500-32x32x32.png image For all the wonderful compliments and ratings yall!

AmberZen (2012-09-09 10:43:42 / 5 stars):

PRETTY! icon-image/6288-48x48x32.png image

Know what the GM is for?
Who wants to guess?
I know! =D and
I'm not telling...


icon-image/1935-32x32x32.png image icon-image/1932-32x32x32.png image icon-image/6288-32x32x32.png image

cdl (2012-09-11 02:30:50):

lol.. I will!

it stands for g....

wait, the phone, brb! icon-image/5300-32x32x32.png image

Kinhajp (2012-11-18 11:39:34 / 5 stars):

So Cute! :-)

deadly bro (2013-04-12 20:35:30 / 5 stars):

come on people TELL ME PLEASE I BEG OF YOU

cdl (2013-04-13 04:06:32):


Thanks for rating people!

icon-image/7500-48x48x32.png image

little hint deadly, there is a description of the icon set! hehehe

deadly bro (2013-04-13 10:08:05):

oh come on it is in front of my eyes like the sun and i was like a blind person in front of it really it is g...mo.....

lol don't know if it is a secret but i won't risk it

cdl (2013-04-13 14:33:27):

lol.. no secret since I posted it in the description!
You are safe!

For years and years "GM" has been used as an abbreviated greeting of "Good Morning!"
Thanks for rating the set and all the funny commentary! icon-image/8412-24x24x32.png image

icon-image/7500-64x64x32.png image

ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2013-10-24 22:20:23 / 5 stars):

Congratz 968 downloads
realistic and colored flowers, i like the so much
my favorite is GM-Flower--Aqua.ico
icon-image/9608-16x16x32.png image

cdl (2013-10-26 01:21:34):

Yup they are cute...
I am still waiting for the 1000 downloads so I can give away some paint!

icon-image/8424-32x32x32.png image

Thanks for rating!

ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2013-10-26 07:07:49):

yes me too , i am still waiting your give away :-D

cdl (2013-10-27 07:00:43):

It is coming..
I hope.. lol

icon-image/8412-32x32x32.png image

ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2013-10-28 07:38:56):

i hope too LOL

ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2014-04-06 05:33:50):

Congratulations :-D

AJaxx (2016-03-14 14:54:08 / 5 stars):

They look like cookies. lol

cdl (2016-03-14 22:01:33):

Yeah, they kind of do!

icon-image/10305-64x64x32.png image

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