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Vlazteron (2019-12-20 02:44:46 / 5 stars):

Your spheres are amazing, adrenochromedream. The reason, is because, I like the 3D and the lighting effect, a amazing variety, simple but good, great textures. Keep it up!

Vlazteron (2020-01-01 02:00:40):

Thanks for changing the licenses.

RIDDLER (2020-01-10 20:47:16 / 5 stars):

Wow. I love the look of those marbles. They are perfectly smooth and have a truly 3D look to them like real marbles.

snickerdoodle (2020-01-22 23:15:59 / 5 stars):

the lightning sphere is too good

Unknown author (2020-05-04 19:37:16):

icon-view/7116.png image

Unknown author (2020-10-23 20:58:57):

Hey guys it me cookie swirl c ! to my fellow fans who love me i am making a cookie set soon

Unknown author (2020-12-03 23:36:32):

uhhh guys i've been lookiing for some coooooool among us cursors that are colorful, im into & has all of the cursors in it (has to be a cursor pack) so just wondering if anyone will send me a link to any?? (i copy and paste this on every cursor pack i see)

J (2021-01-09 06:14:37 / 5 stars):

The rainbow sphere looks like a candy! Can you point me in the direction how you made that beautiful swirl?

Insane Games (2021-01-13 23:00:41 / 0.5 stars):

She copies the cursors from https://www.totallyfreecursors.com/ thats how

J (2021-01-19 18:16:47):

I Don't know, but the link you gave does not point to the same icons

Unknown author (2021-01-27 14:18:35):

here is amung us corsor http://www.rw-designer.com/cursor-set/galaxy-among-us

jeb_andDinnerbone (2021-03-11 04:42:22 / 5 stars):

This is epic! I'm gonna use it soon! 5/5 stars! 8-)

Unknown author (2021-06-03 12:49:49):

I belive I can flyy

Unknown author (2021-06-19 11:29:02):


♠♣♥♦Liyan Graphicsツ (2021-08-11 14:31:56 / 5 stars):

Oh finally you made few icons for a pack. |-) :-D These icons are = FANTASTIC =

Unknown author (2021-10-05 23:41:25):

fantastic 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)

Unknown author (2022-02-19 11:56:22):

Huh? The Space-Ball is epic! I like it a lot. Great Job, Go on like this! Maybe u can take the balls and copy Rainbow on it! I really will like thoose! Nice ❤️

TCKD (2022-02-23 19:53:36 / 5 stars):

Awesome they look 3D

Metro (2022-02-25 14:44:13 / 5 stars):


Henry vntv (2022-06-16 16:18:28 / 3.5 stars):

icon-image/24236-16x16x32.png image cool

Account not found (2022-06-25 21:21:11 / 5 stars):

Cool icon-image/24236-16x16x32.png image

Unknown author (2022-08-24 18:36:42):

:-o :-o :-o We need to hook her up with the James Webb Telescope people cose thee look soooo much better than what they're coming up with!!! ;-) heheh no joke Tho these are amazing! :-)

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