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Learn how to create an icon of a pyramid in RealWorld Icon Editor. This video explains how to use the iterators in 3D.
Making an icon of an Egyptian pyramid in RealWorld Icon Editor.
Start by creating a new 3D object. Insert a rounded box. Then change its color to a orange or yellow. It should resemble a single sandstone block.
Set the specular color to black.
Now resize the stone block. The goal is to set the coordinates of the corner to 0.5, 0.35 and 0.5 units. Using this size will save use some work later.
Add an iterator in the variables section. For simplicity, set its name to "a". And its value to 5. The stone block is now drawn 5 times, but you cannot see them, because all 5 copies are at the same location.
Find the transformation item and parameterize the first number of the translation. Change the expression to "a" - the name of our iterator. Now observe the 5 stone blocks, the iterator "a" has a different value in each iteration and therefore each stone block is at a different location.
Add a second iterator and set its name to "b" and its value again to 5. Now parameterize the 3rd number, the one controlling the z coordinate (the blue one). Set the expression to "b".
Now we have something like a base of a pyramid.
Add a third iterator called "c" and set its value to 5 - again. The pyramid is kind of symmetrical.
Parameterizing the 2nd number and setting its value "c" does not seem to produce a correct result. That is because the height of the stone block is less than 1. We will need to multiply the value of "c" by the height of the stone block and that is "0.7".
Not exactly a pyramid, more like a cube. Pyramid is sloped - we need to move the upper bricks. Change the 1st expression "a+c*0.5".
Do the same with the next expression. Instead of "b", use "b+c*0.5".
Our creation is starting to look like a pyramid, but there are some superfluous blocks we need to eliminate.
To do that, parameterize the "Display" item. We need an expression that is true for those blocks that should be visible and false for the other ones.
Lets start with "a < a.m-c". With "c" rising with pyramid level, "a" more and more limited by "c". We have 5 block on the base, 4 on the second level, 3 on the next, etc.
More blocks need to be eliminated. The condition must be more restrictive - add & twice and then "b < b.m-c".
That's it, we have a crude pyramid.
Save the 3D object to a file called pyramid.u3d
Click on "Convert to image".
Set the camera position in the lower window by dragging with left and right mouse buttons and by using the mouse wheel to zoom in and out.
In the Model Parameters panel, you can change the number of blocks in the pyramid. I will use the default of 5 blocks for my icon.
In the upper window, you may change light direction.
Increase image size for smoother large icon, then click "Create icon from snapshot".
Click OK and again.
Our icon is ready, including all the image sizes and color depths a proper icon in Windows Vista or Windows 7 should.
The small image is a bit unrecognizable, perhaps it would be better to use less stone blocks for the small image.
I'm really jealous
Already knew but nice
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NICE happy new year 2019
you suck i dont like your name
Find out how Vista icons differ from XP icons.
See how RealWorld Icon Editor handles Vista icons.