Where can I download the 3D Module? - RealWorld forums

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Where can I download the 3D Module?

The one for the Cursor Editor
on July 16th 2008

To tell you the truth I'm embarrassed to be asking this, since I see a lot of other people have downloaded it without any trouble, but I have looked everywhere I can think of and I'm just really confused about where to download the RW Cursor Editor 3D Module. I know it will probably be in the most obvious spot possible... I am probably just blind.

On another note, I just got done making my second 2D cursor using your program, and I'd just like to tell you that I absolutely love your program. It's just truly a joy to use; I've been having a blast. Not only that, but it's user-friendly, and capable of doing so much, it's amazing. Easily the best cursor maker I've ever used.

Thanks for your help and your program,

P.S. I just uploaded a set of cursors, check it out if you'd like. :-)

on July 16th 2008

Great cursors :-).

The 3D module is not an extra download, you just need to enable it when installing the application. If you want to try it, uninstall and install again with this option enabled. Be aware that the 3D module is shareware, but people who use it to create and publish good cursors with 3D look can get it for free.

on July 16th 2008

OH! I told you I was blind! hahaha, thank you Vlasta! I re-installed it with the 3D module enabled, and I've been playing around with it and looking at the tutorials you provide. I doubt I'll get good enough at it to get it for free, but hey, who knows. :-)

Thanks again, I'll be playing around with it some more!

on July 16th 2008

It is not that hard, but some practice is required. Check the sample files and the video tutorial to get some pointers.

on July 1st 2009

I had enabled the 3d cursor creator but then it expired, now i have a valid Icon editor licence, but i don't know how to re-enable it. Please help!

on February 8th 2012

do i need to buy the realworld editor for 3d module i can't find it in the install thing

on February 8th 2012

The 3D module is not available for current version of the cursor editor.

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