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What does it do and How do you use it?
on March 2nd 2006

I have tried the colorize tool and it seems effective for changing the overall tint of an icon. However, I'd like to know more about what exactly it is doing and how to use it.
The help doesn't contain any information. Can someone explain it for me please?

on March 3rd 2006

This tool replaces the hue of every pixel in the image by the hue of the specified color. Only the hue is used, there would be no difference if you used (128, 0, 0) or (255, 0, 0) for the (R, G, B) values, because both have the same hue (red).

You may use it for whatever you wish ;-). Sometimes monochromatic images are used to indicate disabled state or as an artistic effect.

The operation is implemented using java script and it is very easy to modify it. If you have any suggestions regarding its functionality, please let me know.

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