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Deadtoll2013's profile

View Deadtoll2013's timeline, last visit on April 28th 2013

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I'm a random guy who loves to create cursors :-D

Featured art


Tailess Metro Flat Cursors (15 cursors)

Released on April 27th 2013 by Deadtoll2013

This is created using RW Cursor Designer, it contains full cursor set. Free, personal and commercial use or anyhow you like.

NOTE (READ!): Every cursors with arrows, the hotspot will be on the ARROW ONLY, except for the link select, which is on the finger tip.

Latest art

Tailess Metro Flat TeaserTailess Metro Flat Cursors
by Deadtoll20131874This is created using RW Cursor Designer, it contains full cursor set...

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Recent comments

user icon Anonymous on April 28th 2013

8-) 8-)

user icon Anonymous
I wish there were...
What about ICL files?
Vista & Win 7 icons
Select background