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Davez (2011-12-04 12:02:52 / 4 stars):

They look pretty nice, but it's too bad you didn't make a complete set.
Keep up the good work! :-)

ZeloZelos (2011-12-04 23:30:38 / 4 stars):

Nice shadow and colors

jojois74 (2011-12-05 00:19:10 / 5 stars):

these are good and glowing. nice twist. better then just reg cursors. how did you make a gradiant glow?

Unknown author (2011-12-05 03:00:43):

amazing!!! :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D 8-) 8-) 8-)

Unknown author (2011-12-05 14:24:04):

Itz Amazinggg :-D 8-) :-D

Supsterzz :-D

absterninja (2011-12-06 04:32:37 / 3 stars):

Very good design, but it looks like you just copied Windows cursors and added shadows. Next time try to be more original! Perfect hotspots though, thats hard to do. Good job! icon-image/5386-16x16x32.png image

Unknown author (2011-12-08 01:05:57):

nice! :-D :-D :-) 8-)

PurplePancakes (2011-12-08 16:58:58):

Me gusta cursors.

Unknown author (2011-12-08 21:35:43):

how do you get it on?

Unknown author (2011-12-09 06:55:53):

i´m happy :-D :-D

Unknown author (2011-12-15 15:31:33):

how do you create cursors??

Mr Lloyd (2011-12-19 09:48:32):

by coppying this if you want to create cursors coppy http://www.rw-designer.com/online-cursor-editor


Unknown author (2011-12-27 14:17:32):

cool. only problem is you don't have the vertical resize!

Unknown author (2012-01-05 23:58:20):

Really nice cursor set! Yes, I'm sure the person knows that it is just the regular cursors with a purple glow behind it - but that's a great product! No "dumb" cursors that are weird or have images that don't actually point. It's just the cursor you have, only "purple-ized." Do some other colors too! (But thanks for picking purple first!)

But - what happened to the vertical arrow resize? :-(

Amsuko (2012-01-06 00:24:26 / 4 stars):

Simple, clean, & looks nice. An attractive color option for your cursor. Designed well and does not look like it's from 1990.

This would be really great if it wasn't missing the vertical resize (what happened?). However, since most sets I've seen don't even have these options it's still a good design. I use this purple set myself. I used your other color sets to replace the vertical and horizontal resize cursors.

Unknown author (2012-06-02 17:32:06):

dude um all of the cursors are there its just a diferent name so your domb |-)

gg7wizard (2013-03-24 13:42:41 / 4.5 stars):

Fine! *_*

Unknown author (2013-08-07 19:53:43):

It's cool, but when i opened the file, they didn't end in .cur or .any so I had to do a little extra renaming, dragging etc., but other than that, I LOVE these!

juanello (2013-08-20 18:42:04):

NO,this cursors are .cur and .ani your pc is wrong? :-o

Unknown author (2014-02-03 20:36:21):


Bear (2014-10-31 05:44:03 / 5 stars):

Just amazing

AlphaOmega (2015-10-28 10:56:07 / 4 stars):

Great! Not much to say other than I like them, really.

Unknown author (2016-05-10 20:45:01):

wow voll geil :-D

Unknown author (2016-10-25 20:02:13):

:-) well done :-D

Galaxy Geek (2019-05-27 09:56:35):

Using this! So perfect :-D

Unknown author (2020-06-10 18:00:44):

i not tried it but i think they are good cusors

Unknown author (2021-01-27 06:59:12):

So cute :-D

Unknown author (2021-01-27 19:36:25):


Unknown author (2021-02-25 18:13:27):

:-o :-o :-o :-o so cool

Unknown author (2021-04-27 20:12:15):

como faz

Unknown author (2022-03-25 01:41:03):


Unknown author (2024-04-04 12:53:55):

why has the unavail cursor other color

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