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Destiny (2013-04-25 08:57:13 / 5 stars):

Ohhh :-o Me encantan todos, son de originalidad, color amarillo brillante, te felicito haz echo buen trabajo 8-)

HusenPo (2013-04-25 09:06:47):

gracias chicos, este es un trabajo fácil, creo que, sólo con una imaginación fuerte :-) :-D

ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2013-04-25 23:18:31 / 5 stars):

Buen trabajo me encantaron, mi favorito es el de move parece que habla, si se le pudieran poner voz fueran más divertidos no? jejeje :-D

deadly bro (2013-04-26 02:11:25 / 5 stars):

awesome set husenpo and a great job you are really working great with cursors try you luck with some icons giving you icon-image/1497-16x16x32.png image stars here you are

HusenPo (2013-04-26 16:15:06):

tal vez si determinado sonido sonará así PICU PICU PICU 8-)

thanks you all :-D

cdl (2013-05-02 18:36:58 / 4.5 stars):

It is very nice to have someone show people that they can create their own version of characters with a little time and effort.

You do create nice art..

icon-image/8311-32x32x32.png image

HusenPo (2013-05-08 16:58:22):

Thank you so much,, I am still in the learning stage, and will explode someday when the popularity of the now better :-D

Vampire Noon (2013-08-27 21:52:26 / 4 stars):

hey! the cursors not by you...

come see here...


Vampire Noon (2013-08-28 01:55:50):


fixed description

HusenPo (2013-09-10 19:04:19):

vampire beby, bitch please
sorry if this looks like before you have
but let's see,, how many pieces of their own cursors that I am trying to create a new character from it?
If you do not agree to resign my so-so, but I think that seen from the number of downloads, more giving to cursors yello Haros

The Male Boss (2014-11-07 21:29:02 / 3.5 stars):

bom trabalho não muitos downloads

HusenPo (2016-04-09 06:06:48):

Eu só quero trabalhar,, graças julgamento ;-)

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