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bubbles47 (2013-08-25 18:23:38):

nice, but why no animations? :-o -<

Billy1905 (2013-08-26 01:00:56):

Hey! Its my first time okay!

ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2013-08-26 19:59:54 / 5 stars):

Cute and original.

You can find information on cursor roles here: http://www.rw-designer.com/mouse-cursor

To illustrate why cursor roles need to be designated you may want to check out this tool many use which requires a more complete set of cursors with defined cursor roles: http://www.rw-designer.com/change-cursor

Keep up the good work and make more cursors!

icon-image/9608-16x16x32.png image Me gustan mucho...

Billy1905 (2013-08-27 06:01:07):

thanks mei!

Unknown author (2013-08-28 15:55:14):

Thnx! I loved the cursor <3 ;-)

Unknown author (2013-09-02 16:59:49):

8-) Cursor Thaks ¡ Berry Good :-D

Billy1905 (2013-09-03 01:05:39):

thanks for the positive comments guys! I know they are static, but I'm only new to making cursors. I'm planning on making a few more. Maybe static, maybe animated.

cdl (2013-09-07 06:08:04 / 4 stars):

Don't fret the bad apples, there is always one in every bunch.
Mei has good suggestions on informative pages.
You may also want to check out some of the many tutorials Vlasta has set up for RW Graphics on YouTube.

Congratulations on your 1st cursor set!
We look forward to seeing more from you soon!

Billy1905 (2013-09-08 00:39:32):

Thanks guys and gals! :-)

Unknown author (2013-09-14 03:22:29):

8-) :-o

NormalRarity (2013-09-17 18:43:39 / 4.5 stars):

Looks really nice. Just as the others have said, animations would be nice so wehn you get to that you should add them to the set! :-D Nice job!

bubbles47 (2013-09-19 00:58:10):

love these, the color is great! and the swords have hearts on them...cool! :-D

Ludwig (2013-11-04 20:22:27 / 4 stars):

very nice! I really like this color. There could be aome animations.

Wolf Soulblood (2014-05-19 22:22:20 / 3.5 stars):

So plain and animations :-( but its good.

Farhan (2014-11-09 12:48:11):

:-D Cooollll

J (2015-08-05 16:14:59 / 5 stars):

Don't Worry about bad rating coz what only matters is your download count.
and you've got a pretty decent 1500 downloads.
Keep it up.
Nice set with a really cool sword.
Oh I've made a set with a sword too.

1 http://www.rw-designer.com/cursor-set/my-ultimate-sword-collection
2 http://www.rw-designer.com/cursor-set/sotmb.

Please tell me if you like them. :-) :-D


Unknown author (2015-09-26 15:47:09):

Make set in many colors!! Please?? :-D :-D :-D

Unknown author (2018-08-16 07:59:04):

thankz Xd ;-)

eeveelover64 (2019-04-03 02:06:58 / 4.5 stars):

i like the fact that the note when u place ur cursor there 4 a little bit it show's a creative hint on what the cursor roles r! gr8 job! ;-) :-D :-) 8-)

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