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CramLock (2009-03-08 15:43:36):

Tell me what you think! =]

sixλxis (2009-03-08 23:47:15):


sixλxis (2009-03-16 21:27:46):

nice backstory

Unknown author (2009-08-30 04:45:07):

nice flames =)

Anonymous (2010-11-28 03:08:24):


Unknown author (2011-03-17 11:41:15):


Unknown author (2011-06-29 03:51:22):

Really beautiful cursors. And they're so easily seen. Big and colorful. I love them. Thanks so much.

Daniel W. (2011-10-04 02:37:38):

Haha I should make stories for all my cursor sets. Nicely done :-)

Unknown author (2012-02-06 11:28:58):

i've been searching this website for an hour, and finally i foind the perfect one. THANKS!

Nintendo (2012-04-08 23:46:18 / 5 stars):

cool i really liked how you droped the shadow to make it like a 3D kind of thing

SYNTHCRѺ (2012-07-25 23:34:58 / 5 stars):

Most cursors dont have a backstory, thats a cool idea, I like it. I should make storys for some of my cursors.


Unknown author (2012-12-19 22:22:06):

Hello peoples, CramLock here, I'd just like to say thanks to everyone who downloaded these, I completely forgot about these for a long time, and didn't realise people found these useful and good. I was thinking of starting up again, because I really do like pixel art and here I can at least put it to a somewhat interesting use.

Thanks to those who also commented reasonably recently!

-Regards, CramLock

Unknown author (2013-08-24 06:12:14):

no animation at all

no rating this time. thanks anyway

Unknown author (2016-04-19 00:49:12):

AWESOME!!!!!!! :-D

Unknown author (2018-02-19 15:22:54):

So Cool Lol

quackyduck (2018-02-27 21:31:45):

looks cool man! and nice story!

Unknown author (2021-03-22 13:41:45):

legaç :-)


Unknown author (2021-04-09 03:57:58):



im gonna downloed it now

Unknown author (2023-07-07 00:12:21):

its nice but I would like if you get rid of the shadow.

Unknown author (2024-06-05 07:57:35):

is it okay if i upload a blue phlame? asap. thank you 8-)

goldmario82 (2024-06-05 09:29:08):

found an image converter

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