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quackyduck (2018-10-20 15:23:49 / 4 stars):

they look good

saraantie (2018-10-20 15:23:49 / 5 stars):

Nice! :-D

miauwicat (2018-10-20 15:56:13 / 0.5 stars):

They look very nice but all the hotspots are incorrect!!

Love the cursors! But all the hotspots are incorrect!!

dwerggroei lars (2018-10-20 16:15:40):

tim i have change the hotspots i hope you like them now

miauwicat (2018-10-20 17:28:21):

Hey nice that you change the hotspot!

TyranicalRex (2018-10-24 19:31:19 / 3.5 stars):

Nice! Keep it up!

dwerggroei lars (2018-10-26 10:06:53):

thank you

Nicolaaaaaa (2018-10-29 20:56:13 / 4 stars):


miauwicat (2018-10-30 10:55:48):



Cursorlover (2018-10-30 17:11:22 / 2 stars):

Very unprofessional

miauwicat (2018-11-01 09:56:03):

Fuck off

lovethissite (2018-11-09 22:25:20 / 3 stars):

They are OK

blankspace (2020-01-04 01:45:19):

icon-image/17246-16x16x32.png image icon-image/17246-16x16x32.png image icon-image/17246-16x16x32.png image icon-image/17246-16x16x32.png image icon-image/17246-16x16x32.png image

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