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TyranicalRex's profile

View TyranicalRex's timeline, last visit on May 18th 2022

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I am a Developer/Web Designer and I love computers and Star Trek. I am the 68245th user on RealWorld and I like making Games in Python and Web Pages in HTML. I am learning C++, HTML, CSS and JavaScript. I hold the high score for the Alien Invaders and 2nd highest score for Iron Man levels on Cosmic Journey.
I love 15 Puzzle item/loyds15.png image and I earned the Buttonless Shirt Trophy item/trophy-shirt-64.png image.

!!!Notice!!! if you want a user icon, I will make one for you. I make user icons starting at 6 Buttons. However, if you have something else I want (Spraypaint, Workshop Items, etc), we may be able to work out a deal.

item/stonemason-tools.png imageAlso, I have a Stone Mason's tools that I will give for 7 buttons, which is a lot cheaper than in Scunkie's stand.

Featured art


Cockatoo Inspired Cursors (17 cursors)

Released on October 3rd 2018 by TyranicalRex

Hi guys!
This was inspired by a picture of a cockatoo. It is meant for the September 2018 TOTM Contest.
It is hard to see the full design, since they are mostly white.

Latest art

SpaceX Starship TeaserSpaceX Starship Cursors
by TyranicalRex96A set of cursors based off of the SpaceX Starship. Released under pub...
Cockatoo Inspired TeaserCockatoo Inspired Cursors
by TyranicalRex165Hi guys! This was inspired by a picture of a cockatoo. It is meant fo...
PoolofCool.com TeaserPoolofCool.com Cursors
by TyranicalRex54For the website "PoolofCool.com". These are they Official Cursors, an...
Coke Soda TeaserCoke Soda Cursors
by TyranicalRex130for the theme of the month contest
Lord of the Rings TeaserLord of the Rings Cursors
by TyranicalRex944A group of homemade lord of the rings cursors, enjoy! Use for whateve...
Python Programming TeaserPython Programming Cursors
by TyranicalRex307Love Python Programming? Me too! Please use these cursors for what ev...
Svengoolie TV Show TeaserSvengoolie TV Show Cursors
by TyranicalRex116A group of cursors inspired by the Svengoolie TV Show, please injoy a...

Forum topics, where TyranicalRex participated

Recent comments

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user icon Goodbye registered user on October 2nd 2017

i agree with you! OgreOfThySwamp! those cursor are awesome! :-D

user icon Anonymous on October 26th 2017

:-o since when did u make cursors :O

user icon TyranicalRex registered user on May 7th 2018

Hi! I am back!
I have been gone for a while
a loooooooooooooooong while

user icon Anonymous on November 16th 2018


user icon nibbler forum moderator on February 11th 2019

Guess what? I have a 15 puzzle, too!

And I used a 3D printer to print a 15 puzzle, too!

item/loyds15.png image

user icon Vlazteron registered user on October 8th 2020

What happened to your user icon? icon-image/4630-16x16x32.png image

Just noticed you changed it to something better. LOL.

user icon TyranicalRex registered user on October 10th 2020

Yeah I was getting kinda bored with the old one, and this is technically not my face, but if they get official and make me make one with my face I'll either just make the visor transparent with my face inside or use the old one. Probably the later because I don't have alot of time right now.

user icon among us fan registered user on October 29th 2020

icon-image/10436-128x128x32.png image

user icon Anonymous on January 4th 2021

Getting an MBA degree sounds amazing. But getting an MBA degree from one of the top colleges in the USA can be life-changing. You know how an MBA in USA will be helpful? First, the demand for MBA graduates is ever-increasing. Every company, big or small, require an MBA graduate to look after their operations. Second, the pay scale after an MBA degree reaches sky high. Thus, once you complete your MBA degree, there’s no looking back. Third, the USA provides an amazing work environment for every MBA graduate. You will never run out of work opportunities in the USA. Over the years, the USA has grown to become one of the leading countries for trade and commerce.

user icon Phantom registered user on October 28th 2021

Hi :-D

user icon Anonymous
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What about ICL files?
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I wish there were...