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nightklp (2021-03-26 11:08:11):

ok busy Kinda Glitchy i fix it fast xd

this is Requested by [axgamer]

ᘻᗩᑢᒪᓍᐺᘿᖇ (2021-03-26 11:24:32 / 5 stars):

mmmm nice job

Unknown author (2021-03-26 11:30:33):

1 lov3 this c6ursor

TheDreamAchrone (2021-03-26 18:47:59 / 5 stars):

its rlly cool but you can try to animate it more smooth :-D

RIDDLER (2021-03-26 21:07:28 / 5 stars):

This is epic. I love the nature green with the yellow lightning glow effect. I wish I could rate 10 stars for this set because it deserves 10 stars. Unfortunately, I cannot rate 10 stars so I will rate 5 stars and 5 happy faces.

:-) :-) :-) :-) :-)

Unknown author (2021-03-27 04:44:49):

thank you for making the cursors which i asked for :-D -AKGAMER
and hi RIDDLER how r u?

and the animation is sooo cool i love it :-D

Unknown author (2021-03-27 15:36:13):

cool ;-)

Unknown author (2021-03-28 13:34:27):

:-) :-) :-) :-) awesome i like how u thinked for all the cursors u need awesome jub

Unknown author (2021-03-30 00:26:13):

:-(how to delete :-(

Huh_ (2021-03-31 10:20:38 / 5 stars):

I love it so much! The blue colours you chose are really beautiful, and the lightning around the cursors is amazing. The animations aren't super smooth, but they are well made. Good job!

Unknown author (2021-03-31 13:41:46):

hiih Lorenah 8-)

ʄʟɨӼ (2021-03-31 16:19:33 / 5 stars):

Rest In Peace Mario...

Unknown author (2021-04-01 15:43:02):

I love you :3 :-)

Lemme finish, for making this UnU

Unknown author (2021-04-04 11:57:29):

Wow its nice!
I dont wanna log in just for rating.
So i will just rate it 5 happy face instead of stars ;-)

:-D :-D :-D :-D :-D

Unknown author (2021-04-05 13:47:08):

:-D It's so fun!!!!! ;-) ;-)

Unknown author (2021-04-08 11:09:46):

8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)

Unknown author (2021-04-10 12:42:09):

tremendo master

ʄʟɨӼ (2021-04-28 16:00:41):

Love this Lightning set! This is an awesome set. I have no other words. 5/5

RIDDLER (2021-05-03 02:59:47):

Hola woha.

 AKGAMER (2021-08-17 07:04:53 / 5 stars):

yea it was me who i request i love these cursors amazing.

♠♣♥♦Liyan Graphicsツ (2021-10-01 12:06:17):

Superb I love them and I don't have words to say I have only to say here's my review!!!!

GeorgiosNexus (2021-11-03 14:52:19 / 5 stars):

Love this Lightning set. :-)

Diamond (2021-11-05 15:49:08 / 5 stars):

nice! I like these cursors and the nice lighting sparkles on the cursors! keep the nice work going!

Unknown author (2022-03-17 23:25:08):

n o i c e

Unknown author (2023-09-18 11:16:50):


xTikans (2024-05-10 15:53:52 / 5 stars):

I like this set, i think the lightning effects would look cooler if they were cyan, but it's alright tho. Awesome W set

Unknown author (2024-05-16 14:17:59):

dubble you cool W :-)brt :-)r :-Db :-Db :-Dbt :-o :-o xd W W winner cursor set so cool wtf bruh bxddv |-)vrt 8-) hapapy broooty saasass

janiu1402 (2024-09-03 15:02:53 / 5 stars):

icon-image/5768-16x16x32.png image icon-image/7284-16x16x32.png image icon-image/5768-16x16x32.png image

icon-image/7284-16x16x32.png image :-D

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