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RIDDLER (2023-06-12 23:44:57 / 5 stars):

Well done Mr. Derpy for making this complete Windows 7 cursor set. Please make sure that this cursor set does not get deleted because once in the past, I have uploaded a similar cursor set for Windows 7 and it was removed from my profile a few days later. That was because I was named Windows 7 cursors.

Unknown author (2023-06-16 13:46:46):

lavda cursor

Unknown author (2023-06-22 14:43:12):

mi on wandawz 7!!11

Unknown author (2023-07-05 13:17:38):

bro tf hell nah bro woke up one day and said "am gonna post all the windows 7 cursors" (Btw consider it good thing because these are actually good.)

ViniciusGamer-blox (2023-07-05 17:12:52):

WOW! It's good but why you remade then? :-) (but i know you just stoled from a file)

Unknown author (2023-07-12 15:54:36):

these cursors are good! :-) :-D 8-)

Unknown author (2023-07-26 15:06:14):

why does this have more than 30 cursors

Unknown author (2023-08-23 10:25:47):

i wanted these cursors! (although i know windows 7 doesnt have the person cursor and pin cursor)

Unknown author (2023-12-13 23:02:58):

These aren't even windows 7 cursors, Besides of the aero loading cursor but i do get it you did steal this from another person but do you really call that Windows 7 cursors? BTW i love your work nibbler.

Unknown author (2024-01-03 03:35:25):

<h1>Vista better.</h1>

Unknown author (2024-02-20 01:32:11):

bro imagine actually spending time making a cursor the hell

nibbler (2024-02-20 03:56:28):

@Anonymous who wrote:

These aren't even windows 7 cursors, Besides of the aero loading cursor but i do get it you did steal this from another person but do you really call that Windows 7 cursors? BTW i love your work nibbler.

Yes, these are indeed Windows 7 cursors. Some cursors I made though, in order to fill in the supplements, such as Person and Location Select and the dark Aero theme. The originals were extracted from an old Windows 7 laptop I have used to make this set possible.

Unknown author (2024-03-26 20:10:06):

this is good i dont care if its not windows 7

nibbler (2024-04-17 18:55:41):


not Anonymous (2024-04-24 01:05:10):

This man really just copied and pasted the Cursors folder

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