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sixλxis (2010-04-20 19:05:56 / 4 stars):

There are purple LED's?

sixλxis (2010-04-20 19:07:59):

Nevermind i wiki'd it.

Erik (2010-05-26 22:04:54):

5/5 or 4/5?

sixλxis (2010-09-29 15:53:25):

Almost forgot;


Anonymous (2011-01-01 10:44:53):

5665/6556 :-)

Erik (2011-01-01 17:06:29):

Ok, I understand

Erik (2011-02-01 20:34:44):

bouderbabari.. Thanks

Unknown author (2011-06-09 11:20:41):

White one maybe? ;-)

jojois74 (2011-09-11 22:27:52 / 4 stars):

These are nice, but they don't look lights. They look like Popsicles.

tev (2012-02-08 17:52:40 / 4 stars):

nice icon-image/5604-16x16x32.png image icon-image/6549-16x16x32.png image icon-image/348-16x16x32.png image icon-image/3468-16x16x32.png image

cdl (2013-01-13 04:52:36 / 4 stars):

Have you given any thought to making them glow brightly as if they were litup?
I think this would be a great way to expand your set and add some variety to it, while it would not be that difficult a task to accomplish. Give me a shout if you do and I will come back to check them out again!

icon-image/3089-32x32x32.png image

The Male Boss (2017-12-10 18:53:47):

A nice set of icons with diffrent colours.
The designs are great and you have added shadows.
I do agree with cdl you could make them glow brightly to expand the set.
You could also add a orange led.
Overall a nice set
Well done

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