Cursor Set - Milky Blue

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Milky Blue Cursors

Milky Blue
  • Published on March 17th 2023 by .
  • Released under the Free Art (copyleft) license.
4 out of 5 stars. (2 reviews) Log-in to add your review.

Some white to blue cursors with black to blue insides. Cursor pointer is in another set and will be added here later.

Edit: added the cursor pointer


by Void

See also

Shrooms TeaserShrooms Cursors
by reptilian492Some shrooms just messing around.
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by Goober1203It's incomplete at the moment. Yippee!
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by Curso Megathon1228Cursores azuis com 17 unidades no total, nas cores azul escuro. Tema ...

Recent reviews and comments

user icon Anonymous on March 17th 2023

:-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)

user icon eeveelover64 registered user on March 20th 2023

is the "milky sun" cursor just a recolor of the "vaporwave sun" from this cursor set?

user icon Void registered user on March 20th 2023

it is indeed! I made that one too so I thought it would be fine.

user icon r5ne (curs0r) registered user on March 28th 2023

3 out of 5 stars.

the no milk cursor isnt centered :-(
im sorry its the little things that lead to insanity ;-)

user icon Void registered user on March 28th 2023

whoops. I'll go ahead and try to fix that for you.
Edit: I can't seem to be able to center it perfectly to the pixel, but I've tried my best

user icon Anonymous on March 29th 2023

your english is under all pig

your a niger

user icon Void registered user on April 2nd 2023


user icon 7vintage registered user on April 26th 2023

5 out of 5 stars.

these are pretty cool, i love the way you did the outlines with a gradient!

user icon Anonymous