Gauge Icon Problems - RealWorld forums

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Gauge Icon Problems

Why is a random icon keep removing the icons from the set?
on December 11th 2018

Whenever I come to edit an icon set, I see some random icon that I do not own coming up in the icon list.
rsrc/9.PNG image
When I click on it to remove from the set, it removes some more of my icons from the set and I have to go and put them back.
rsrc/99.PNG image
When I go to my icon page that contains icons that are not in any set, I don't even see that problem-maker random icon. Somebody might even own that icon. It's not just a 'gauge' icon. I can be any random icon that's not mine.

Is there a way out of this?

on December 11th 2018

Ins't it just a preview problem? Which of the icons on the images are the problematic ones?

on December 12th 2018

Hold on. Let me see.

on December 12th 2018

Gauges x4 transparent.ico

Doc made the icon, not me.

So when I come to look at my random cursors and icons, Gauges x4 transparent.ico is not there.

on December 12th 2018

Now it is this icon:
Drive E- MScolor.ico

Actually. It could be any of Doc's icons.

It can actually display the problematic icon in my set. :-(

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