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Trial Question

Border on icon an 256x256 not displaying
on July 28th 2007

Hello. I have downloaded the trial version before purchasing. When I create an icon from the 'mushroom' example file and save it to my desktop, the icon has a white square around it. If I copy it to a folder and twiddle the icon size to see the results at all sizes, the largest the icon will get is 48x48, even if I ticked the 256x256 option. Is this a limitation of the software, the trial version or my knowledge?

on July 28th 2007


no there is no limitation in the trial version and there should be no problems with 256x256 images or with background. If you are using the default settings, the background should be transparent. If it is not, look closely at the "Transparency" option in the "Image from Icon" wizard. It has several options how to determine what should be transparent. BTW if you are creating 256x256 versions, you should increase the size in the Rendered Image editor in the "Image Properties" panel to 1024x1024 or so to have good enough source image for icon conversion.

One more thing: do not trust what you see in Explorer while viewing and .ico file. It has its own way of picking the image to display. If you on the other hand for example customize a folder with and icon, the 256x256 image will be used without problems.

on July 29th 2007

Thanks, I tried that, and applying it to my Visual Studio executable project and it works a treat. I am really glad as this product is looking better and better and probably one that I will buy.

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