GingerBread Man Icon Details

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GingerBread Man.ico

GingerBread Man.ico
  • Published on December 23rd 2011 by .
  • Released under the NonCommercial Usage Only (CC nc) license.
  • Icon for Windows XP, Vista and 7.

Brown Gingerbread Man with cream icing red buttons and a green bow.

Images in the icon

To download individual pictures from the icon, right-click on the image and select "Save image as..." in the menu.

16x16 pixels, smooth edges

16x16 pixels, 256 colors

16x16 pixels, 16 colors

24x24 pixels, smooth edges

24x24 pixels, 256 colors

24x24 pixels, 16 colors

32x32 pixels, smooth edges

32x32 pixels, 256 colors

32x32 pixels, 16 colors

48x48 pixels, smooth edges

48x48 pixels, 256 colors

48x48 pixels, 16 colors

64x64 pixels, smooth edges

64x64 pixels, 256 colors

64x64 pixels, 16 colors

128x128 pixels, smooth edges

256x256 pixels, smooth edges


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