dis suckz lmao
PENCIL is a drawing tool capable of drawing a simple polyline. The polyline is not anti-aliased and each pixel on the polyline can be replaced by a simple pattern.
PENCIL tool can be used from scripts. The command in script must have the following arguments:
DrawTool.PENCIL(Document, "DIAMOND5", 10, 10, 30, 90);
See also: DrawTool object, Document object
dis suckz lmao
Anonymous On May 13th САМ ЛОХ!!!
You can only delete with the undo buttons. They are located at the top left of your screen.
how to erase
you can erase by setting the alpha to zero and draw on the pixel you want to erase
come si fa a dargli invio???
ciao, ma una volta che lo ho creato, come faccio a usarlo??
pls rispondetr
diz nuts
i make a cursor
its simple, i like it
Maybe I'll make it available for download, I think
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