RealWorld Paint help index

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RealWorld Paint help index

RealWorld Paint is a freeware image/photo/animation editor. It can be used to create or edit computer images or animations, convert images to animations and back. RealWorld Paint can also be used for photo retouching.

Note: other RealWorld applications are capable of editing image just like RW Paint. All information available in this section is directly applicable to RealWorld Icon Editor, RealWorld Cursor Editor and RealWorld Photos.

Getting started

If you have installed RealWorld Paint on your computer, you can start it by double-clicking the RealWorld Paint icon on your desktop or from the Windows start menu. If you are using the portable version, double-click the RWPaint(.exe) file after you have unzipped the archive.

Creating new images and animations

Clicking on the File->New menu command or switching to the Create tab in an empty window displays a list of available wizards:

  • New raster image - activate this icon to create a new empty image. Width, height and background color of the create image can be specified in the right column.
  • Image from clipboard - creates image from content of clipboard. If you find an image on the web, right-click on it in Firefox and select "Copy image", then use the "Image from clipboard" wizard.
  • Capture desktop - the application window hides for a moment and the desktop without the Paint.COM window is captured and opened in the editor.

Opening files

RealWorld Paint is by default able to open (and save) images and animations in the following formats:

  • .bmp - Windows bitmap.
  • .jpg - JPEG photograph.
  • .png - PNG image.
  • .gif - GIF image or animation
  • .webp - WebP photograph.
  • .jp2/.jpc - JPEG2000 image.
  • .psd - Photoshop image with layers are some layer styles.
  • .xcf - GIMP image with layers
  • .pdn - image with layers.
  • .rli - RealWorld image or animation with layers and styles. This is the native format of RealWorld applications. RLI specification.

Additional formats may be available if plug-ins are installed.

To open an image, click on the Open tab in an empty window or click on the Open command in the File menu. Alternatively, drag and drop an image from a file manage on the RealWorld Paint window. If you frequently open image with RealWorld Paint, consider associating selected file types with RealWorld Paint and open image by simply double-clicking them in Windows Explorer.

Using drawing tools

Paint offers several drawing tools and fill styles. Drawing tools may use the active color or fill style to fill interior of shapes.


Core concepts

Reading the following sections will help you understand how things work inside the RealWorld Designer framework. It is recommended for users wanting to customize the look and functionality of the application and for plug-in developers.

  • Window Layout - this corner-stone of the application controls the content of the entire window and the main menu.
  • View State - communication medium between individual parts of the application. A need-to-know topic for people wanting to customize the user interface and functionality.
  • Localized Strings - how use text in multiple languages in items configurable by the end users.
  • Scripting - introduction to creation of scripted filters or other operations.
  • Plug-ins - technical information for plug-in developers.
  • Stateless GUI - RealWorld application use strictly stateless user interface methods. Learn why and what are the consequences.

Getting more help

The crucial pieces of information are available directly in RWPaint's user interface:

  • Read the tooltips and/or descriptions in application status bar (the line at the bottom of each window) to learn about individual menu commands or dialog controls.
  • Click the lightbulb toolbar button or the "What now?" menu command to display list of frequently used actions.
  • Search this web using the search box in the upper right corner.
  • Ask a question on a public discussion board

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user icon Anonymous on December 7th 2023


user icon Anonymous on December 28th 2023

How do I print

user icon Anonymous on March 20th 2024

im confused :-(

user icon Anonymous on April 18th 2024

me to

user icon Anonymous on May 20th 2024

Something I could REALLY find helpful is onion skinning (like the one in adobe animate) that can make animating images and cursors much easier... how is it not even on the app yet...

user icon Vlasta site administrator on May 20th 2024

It is there, just click on View->Emphasize active layer

user icon Anonymous on May 22nd 2024

Tf ?

user icon Anonymous on October 2nd 2024

How do I crop an image?

user icon Anonymous on December 12th 2024

kos nanat

user icon Anonymous on January 23rd

Sy un usuario de RWPaint desde hace más de 15 años, y entnces se podía descargar el programa y utilkizaarl "on line" sin necesidad de instalarlo en el PC.
Ahora soy perofesor devoluntario en un centro de personas mayores y quiero enseñarles a utilizar el peropgrama en un PC sin instalarlo y pregunto ¿como se puede descarar la App sin instalarla en el PC? Por favor ayudarme es para un uso social

user icon Anonymous
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