AKGAMER's Art - sets #1-10

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Icon and cursor sets by  AKGAMER

Click on set heading or image to display details or download the set.

Green TeaserGreen Cursors
by  AKGAMER107Hello guys this is my first cursors set it is not complete i am still...
Highlighted TeaserHighlighted Cursors
by  AKGAMER2828my first cursors set i did not copy these but did it with my hands ho...
Mac TeaserMac Cursors
by  AKGAMER8885Here you go guys i have been working on these from 10 days hope u guy...
Windows 11 dark theme TeaserWindows 11 dark theme Cursors
by  AKGAMER27kNew version of windows dark theme cursors, if you do not have this ne...
ChromeOS TeaserChromeOS Cursors
by  AKGAMER3664So guys, here are chromeOS cursors specially made by me. Hope you guy...
Vista & Win 7 icons
I wish there were...
What about ICL files?