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omarcit017's profile

View omarcit017's timeline, last visit on February 19th 2022

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user icon omarcit017 registered user on October 13th 2021


user icon ♠♣♥♦Liyan Graphicsツ registered user on October 14th 2021

U have asked me how to change your profile pic know right ok go to your profile page>and there is your contact card> in the world list there is a one named photo>go choose file>then it shows file explorer to select a file>so go to the folder that includes photos >and go click choose file then click the button next to choose file thats the upload button
Hope u understood my explanation! :-)

user icon omarcit017 registered user on October 14th 2021

yay thnak u now i have to trie

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What about ICL files?
I wish there were...