I tested this and found the quality of the GIF output files will be as close as possible to the original WebP files, i.e. excellent. webp2gif is a simple program which does only one thing and does it well, I like it.
webp2gif.exe is a simple command line tool for batch conversion of animated WebP images to the GIF format. The executable works on Windows and should be usable on Linux under Wine.
The tool can be used either from command line or from Windows Desktop. In the later case, place the tool on your Desktop and then drag and drop files or folders onto it. The tool will automatically convert all WebPs to GIF format and place them in the same folders as the originals.
More information and other tools.
I tested this and found the quality of the GIF output files will be as close as possible to the original WebP files, i.e. excellent. webp2gif is a simple program which does only one thing and does it well, I like it.
Error occured while processing: 025_1090389042.gif
The drag and drop is nice, but doesn't handle animated GIFs. Can't find parameters to deal with animated GIFs. Do they exist?
If you have problems with a particular file, contact me. Animated gifs are supported.
Just installed your tool, works perfect.
Thank you. :-D
진 짜 , , , , 매 직 ! !
Real,,,, Magic!!
Don't try more than 5 or 6 at a time or they will fail. Once a file fails, all the rest will, too.
i try it but not working
I agree with the Jan 20th post. Moving more than 4 or 5 at a time will cause ALL of them to fail. Once a file fails, the rest will fail immediately afterward with no further processing.
PERFECT. MAX 5 images at same time or ERROR.
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