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HusenPo (2013-05-25 18:01:19):

:-D one more imagination soar :-D
8-) Says Whhooaaaaa!! :-o

Racewolf275 (2013-05-25 19:33:08 / 5 stars):

i like them a lot. :-D

cdl (2013-05-26 15:11:26 / 5 stars):

Another very unique and artistic cursor set!
It is always a joy to see new content from you.

Keep up the great work!

icon-image/8302-32x32x32.png image

HusenPo (2013-05-30 13:17:12):

thank you very much, this concept previously unthinkable, Gundam Nataku shield yanhg very interesting

Unknown author (2015-03-16 04:55:45):

Gundam Nataku's shield is epic. Love the design of this cursor. Could you maybe do the Epyon's Heat Rod or a Fin Funnel? :-o

Although I think the description for this cursor should be about "Gundam Nataku" itself or something.

J (2015-06-02 08:39:23 / 4.5 stars):

are you describing about the gundam gunpla?

HusenPo (2015-06-27 17:37:35):

I can only explain such a friend :-D

ETHANWEEGEE (2015-11-27 20:34:43):

Why is it only Nataku? Maybe you should do more, I really like these!
Maybe do Char next? Or at least Zaku II???

AJaxx (2016-03-19 16:30:09 / 5 stars):

Nice cursor set! Animations are good. Quality work!

HusenPo (2016-04-05 18:14:44):


ETHANWEEGEE : I only make orders :-D

Unknown author (2017-11-09 23:39:47):

plz make astray gold frame amatsu

or death sycthe :-D

Unknown author (2020-12-01 18:13:31):

lol :-D

BAZZI (2021-11-24 05:28:10 / 5 stars):

YARE YARE . . . daze

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