Cursor Set - Gundam Shield

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Gundam Shield Cursors

Gundam Shield
  • Published on May 25th 2013 by .
  • Released under the Release to Public Domain license.
4.9 out of 5 stars. (5 reviews) Log-in to add your review.

Nataku (那吒?), an androgynous clone of extreme psychic ability, was born of genetic material of Kazuki Tōjō (塔城 霞月 Tōjō Kazuki?), the deceased granddaughter of the president of Tōjō Pharmaceuticals, and her father Masaki. It is sent to retrieve the Sacred Sword by the Chairman Tōjō who wishes to destroy the sword so that Nataku cannot become entangled in the matter of the Promised Day. In the process of stealing the Sacred Sword, Nataku mortally wounds Kyōgo Monou, Fūma and Kotori's father, who was attempting to protect the Sacred Sword. Nataku later battles both Karen and Aoki, the former refusing to believe it can possibly be unemotional and regarding it as a "lost child". Nataku is haunted by the memories of its previous life as Kazuki, and follows Fūma unquestionably as Fūma resembles the person Kazuki cared most for—her father. In the anime, after Fūma is badly wounded by the spell Sorata casts as he dies, he absorbs Nataku's flesh into his own and is healed. In the manga, Nataku dies when Fūma realizes its greatest wish, to die by the hand of the one it loves most (Fūma, who resembles Kazuki's father) while protecting the person most important to it (Karen, who resembles Kazuki's mother). In the movie, Seiichirō Aoki kills Nataku and himself by both of them falling from the Sunshine 60 building to their deaths.

Tags: Character Game Robot


by HusenPo

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Recent reviews and comments

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user icon HusenPo registered user on May 30th 2013

thank you very much, this concept previously unthinkable, Gundam Nataku shield yanhg very interesting

user icon Anonymous on March 16th 2015

Gundam Nataku's shield is epic. Love the design of this cursor. Could you maybe do the Epyon's Heat Rod or a Fin Funnel? :-o

Although I think the description for this cursor should be about "Gundam Nataku" itself or something.

user icon J registered user on June 2nd 2015

4.5 out of 5 stars.

are you describing about the gundam gunpla?

user icon HusenPo registered user on June 27th 2015

I can only explain such a friend :-D

user icon ETHANWEEGEE registered user on November 27th 2015

Why is it only Nataku? Maybe you should do more, I really like these!
Maybe do Char next? Or at least Zaku II???

user icon AJaxx registered user on March 19th 2016

5 out of 5 stars.

Nice cursor set! Animations are good. Quality work!

user icon HusenPo registered user on April 5th 2016


ETHANWEEGEE : I only make orders :-D

user icon Anonymous on November 9th 2017

plz make astray gold frame amatsu

or death sycthe :-D

user icon Anonymous on December 1st 2020

lol :-D

user icon BAZZI registered user on November 24th 2021

5 out of 5 stars.

YARE YARE . . . daze

user icon Anonymous